The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall 2012

We have had such a fun fall this year. It seems like each season and holiday is just that much more fun now that we have our sweet little Brody around. We have been back in the swing of things with Eric being home from St Louis and back in school, and life just seems complete again now that he's home. I don't think we will ever let him leave for longer than a few days at a time ever again, unless we are tagging along of course. It's so much fun doing things together with our little family and experiencing everything for the first time with our sweet Brody boy.

Syd won State! It's her senior year and she is the last tennis-playing Monson, so we were especially proud of her for going out strong.
We had so much fun with all the witches at Gardner Village with Heather and Grady.
A beautiful and fun fall hike up to Silver Lake at Brighton.
Picking our pumpkins at the local pumpkin patch.
The BYU MBA Halloween party.
Our happy little penguin family!
Halloween party at Missy and Josh's.
Eric was in Minneapolis interviewing for a job on Halloween night, so we had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house passing out candy to all the cute trick or treaters!

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