The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pregnancy Report: Second Trimester

26 weeks
Wow, is my second trimester already coming to an end?! It's so cliche to say, but it truly has flown by and I can't believe I am already 6 months through this pregnancy. I'm sure with the holidays coming up this last trimester will go by just as fast and this little one will be here before we even know it.

I have still been feeling incredibly well with very little to complain about. The only real annoyance has been some heartburn which can lead to some difficulty breathing at times. Tums have been my very best friend these last couple of months. When I leave the house I always make sure to have my tums with me... always! It's also funny feeling a little clumsier and off balance at times and not being able to bend over or squeeze through narrow spots like I used to. It's also just such a weird thing looking down and watching my ever growing stomach or looking in the mirror and thinking "that's my body???" My stomach has begun to grow a lot this last week especially, and it baffles my mind that he is only 2 pounds at this point and has to grown more than three times that much still! Where is he going to go in there?!

By far the best thing that has happened in the last few weeks has been feeling our little guy move around so much. Eric was able to feel him move really soon after I did, and it's one of my favorite things to sit on the couch with his hand or head on my stomach feeling our little man move all around in there. I love driving home from work and feeling him move around- it makes me feel like I'm never alone because I have a little buddy with me all the time. It's really made me feel a special connection with him and made me all the more excited to meet him soon.

We have a lot to look forward to these next couple of months with traveling to visit family and baby showers coming up. We are so grateful for amazing family and friends that continue to be so supportive and loving. We can't wait for everyone to meet our little man and for all of the adventures that parenthood has to offer!

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