The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Birthday and Our Last Few Weeks in Utah

Eric made sure that my birthday was so special this year. He let me sleep in, helped with Brody and the house all day, then made me the most amazing BBQ rib dinner. He also showered me with balloons, flowers and gifts including a beautiful turquoise and diamond necklace that I now wear every day. I am so grateful to have the most amazing husband and son who make my life so wonderful!

Brody was lovin the balloons. At one point they got stuck on his leg and I had to snap a picture to be sure to remember the moment.

June was an exciting month because we had a lot going on! It seriously flew by and I'm still trying to figure out where it went. Eric accepted a job offer with Best Buy in Minneapolis at the beginning of the month, so we had a move and a new job to anticipate, friends to get together with one last time and a trip to North Carolina to look forward to with my family. 

We didn't get to see everyone that we hoped to before the month was over and we were on our way to Minneapolis, but I was grateful to be able to get together with the friends that I did one last time. I am truly blessed with amazing friends who I will miss so much. I know that seeing them and getting together with them now will be all the more meaningful, and staying in touch is so much easier with technology these days. I had my last day of work, which was an exciting but sad day. I will really miss the people I worked with because I absolutely loved my coworkers, but I am also excited for the new role of full-time stay-at-home mother!

We went to the Salt Lake Temple one last time and did sealings with Kellyn and Ryan. They are in Dallas for the summer for Ryan's summer internship, so we miss them lots!
One last girl's night with my favorite girls Heather and Melissa at City Creek!
Girl's night with Brynn, Hilary, Cass, Jenna, Katy, Megan and Missy at Katy's husband's cabin in Huntsville. A. Mazing.
Last day at work. So grateful for amazing coworkers!
And of course, my last Cafe Rio pork salad with black beans, shredded lettuce, white shredded cheese, house dressing and no pico or cilantro. Sigh.

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