The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Friday, March 8, 2013

Price Baby #2... Coming September 2013!

It is true... 
We are pregnant with baby number 2! 
I am 12 weeks along, so this sweet little one is due to arrive September 16!

I am so incredibly excited to welcome another sweet little baby into our family later this year. Saying that I feel extremely blessed feels like such an understatement. I am so looking forward to Brody having a little buddy just 19 months younger than him and I hope they can be close friends and playmates. But these feelings of excitement and overwhelming joy are accompanied with those of fear and nervousness. The thought of having two kids under the age of two kind of completely terrifies me if I'm being honest with myself. I know that I will adapt and that life with two kids will be crazy in a wonderful way, but my fears tend to get the best of me at times. I'm just starting to get the hang of having one... now I just hope that I will be an adequate mother of two.

This pregnancy has been a lot different than my first pregnancy. I felt like a million bucks when I was pregnant with Brody. I never got sick, rarely even felt nauseated, and just felt so good the whole time. How lucky was I?! I'm afraid I didn't quite appreciate it until experiencing this pregnancy. I have felt much more nauseated and have been getting sick quite a lot, and I feel totally exhausted most of the time. I think the tired factor has been the hardest part with having an active one year old who just wants to play and move and I'm sure is not appreciating having a bum for a mother.

But I know that this is what is right for our sweet little family. My dreams have always included being a mother of a bunch of kids who are close to one another and have so much fun together. When I look ahead at all of the blissful moments we will all share together as a family it makes me smile and feel warm inside.

Yes, we are living the dream... one day of morning sickness at a time.


Megan Moss said...

So exciting, Lauren!!!!

The Andelins said...

Yay!!! I say GIRL this time- both my girls (but especially Reese) made me sooo sick!!! So excited for you guys!! Hope you get feeling better soon.

Hayley Parker said...

Sooo so so excited for you!

peter5 said...

My sweet girl, you will not be an adequate mother, you will be an AMAZING mother of a bunch of kids. Your heart will expand and your patience will be tried, but you will do wonderfully. You have an amazing example in your mom. Just keep your sense of humor. Love you four and so very excited for you.

Mindy said...

I got the chills reading this. And then laughed by the way you ended it- living the dream one morning sickenss at a time! I am so excited for you but bummed you feel so crappy! I can totally picture myself having the exact same feelings when we have baby 2.