The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a lot of fun spending time with Eric's family in Wisconsin over Christmas this year. Eric had a whole month off of school, so we decided to go to Madison for two weeks and get lots of family time in. Eric's parents were such gracious hosts and let us pretty much take over their house for two weeks! Eric's sister Laura and her family were staying there too, so Brody got lots of fun cousin time in and learned all sorts of fun new tricks from them. He loved having so many people around all the time and especially loved throwing his smiles around at anyone who was around.

Tickle, tickle
One of his new tricks... climbing stairs!
Loving some Uncle Jeff time!

Eric's family has such long lasting Christmas traditions and I always have a lot of fun getting a glimpse of what his Christmases were like when he was growing up. His extended family always comes over to his parents' house for Christmas Eve and Santa comes to visit, which is always so much fun. We were standing right by the front door when Santa came in and all of the excitement was a little too much for Brody, so he had a close eye on Santa the whole time he was there. We all opened presents Christmas morning then went to Eric's uncle's house for dinner.

Seeing the Christmas display at the park. Go Bucky!
I wanted Brody to be able to see the lights at the park so I turned his car seat around. He was lovin it!
I've got my eye on you, Santa...
Christmas Eve. Someone was pooped!
Christmas morning! Checking out one of dad's new games.
Checking out his loot.
Merry Christmas!

One of my favorite Price family traditions is playing games, which we did LOTS of! Our favorite games of the trip were Revolution, Hand and Foot (classic...), Nuns on the Run and Bohnanza!

We went out for New Years Eve and spend a fun night with friends! Brody got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house and celebrate the new year by sleeping... He totally loved it. We got invited to our friends' Andy and Renee's house for a delicious dinner of steak and shrimp followed by playing pool, having dance offs with their Kinect, getting some boxing lessons (Andy is a police officer and taught Eric some pretty serious moves...), playing a little Rock Band and then some charades! We couldn't have had a more fun night!

Reliving the glory days...
Happy New Year! Bring on 2013!

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