The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brody: 11 Months

  • Brody's personality is shining through at it's very brightest these days. He is funny, curious, happy, energetic and loving. He plays with his toys by himself for longer periods of time now and is gaining an independent streak. He has started giving hugs and snuggling more when he is tired, which I love every second of.
  • He is now eating three solid meals a day and feeds himself pretty much independently. He'll still have 2-3 bottles throughout the day too. Some of his favorite foods are red grapes, tangerines, cheese and black beans.
  • His favorite game is peek-a-boo. He gets a kick out of putting his blanket over his head then popping out, always with a huge grin on his face. He'll also crouch down by the couch when we are sitting on it then pop up with a proud happy look on his face over and over. I absolutely love it.
  • He has started to dance when he hears certain music, which I absolutely die over every time.

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