The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brody: 9 Months

Our little man is 9 months already and truly more fun than ever. Here are some things our Brody boy has been up to lately:
  • Brody is constantly on the move. He is our turbo crawler, especially when he sees something across the room that he wants. He pulls himself up on everything he can: the couch, the coffee table, his crib, the kitchen cabinets, and my favorite... my legs when I am standing in the kitchen doing the dishes or cooking. He bonks his head on something every day but hasn't injured himself too seriously yet (keep your fingers crossed!)
  • He is such a curious little guy, always trying to figure out what's going on and exploring his surroundings. He is still in his rear-facing car seat, but he is always straining his neck to look around and see where we're going.
  • He loves being out and about and already gets bored just sitting at home all day. We try to have at least one outing a day so that we don't both go stir crazy.
  • He uses his little pointer finger to point at things and it is seriously so cute. The way he can already navigate my iPhone scares me a little bit!

We love you so much, sweet little Brody man!

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