The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Monday, July 2, 2012

Brody: 4 Months

Height: 26 in (67%)
Weight: 17 lb 10 oz (80%)
Head: 17.75 in (99%)
  • Brody is our little mover, constantly wiggling and rolling around. We had to stop swaddling him at night because he started rolling onto his stomach and panicking because he couldn't roll back over.
  • He is still our awesome little sleeper, sleeping about 10 hours per night. It took him some adjusting when we stopped swaddling him, but now he just rolls right onto his stomach and sleeps that way.
  • He is drooling lots and putting everything in his mouth, so we will see if his first tooth pops through anytime soon.
  • He has started reaching for toys when you hold them out in front of him- so cute!
  • He is a loud baby, ALWAYS making sounds and grunting or squeeling. It's been so much fun watching him find his voice and make good use of it! 

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