The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Friday, June 13, 2014

Brooklyn: 9 Months

Our sweet little girl is growing so fast! Happy, sweet and content are the best words to describe Brooklyn's personality. She watches Brody with an intensity and love that makes my heart melt. She observes every move he makes and her demeanor bursts with excitement whenever he plays with her. She loves it when we chase him around our kitchen island and giggles in delight when we catch him by surprise by changing direction. She's getting increasingly mobile and rolls and twists her head and body around until she gets where and what she wants. 

She loves eating and has started feeding herself, which she gets a kick out of! We do finger foods and purées and I still nurse her 4 times a day. Her favorites include avocado, bananas, strawberries, blueberries and yogurt melts.

We love you so much, sis!

Weight: 19.25 lbs (67%)
Height: 28.25 (71%)
Head: 18.25 (97%)

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