The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Brody: 6 Months

Height: 28 in (90%)
Weight: 19 lb 13 oz (82%)
Head:18.5 in (99%)
  • Brody sprouted his first two teeth this month! He was really good while they were coming in and was only slightly fussy for a day or two. 
  • He has gotten great at sitting up over this past month. He still wobbles and falls but can sit for 5 and up to 10 minutes at a time. He seems to be enjoying this new perspective on life.
  • His favorite pose to lay in is his "superman" pose, which he does just about all the time when he's laying on his stomach. It looks like he's doing his daily exercises. He is one strong little man.

We love our handsome little Brody Man so much!


peter5 said...

Oh. My. Gosh, I am in love with this kid. I miss him!

Melissa said...

He is the cutest! I want to hang out with this little guy! He always seems so happy!

katy said...

he is seriously the cutest little guy lauren!! what a stud!! those pics of him in the swing are adorable!!!