Height: 24.75 in (98%)
Weight: 13 lbs 4 oz (82%)
Head: 16.25 (96%)
- Brody flipped a switch at 6 weeks with two big things: first, he started smiling, which has been so much fun! We can't get enough of that gummy smile. Second, his gas and stomach pains decreased significantly, making for a much happier baby and mom. I cut all dairy out of my diet, which really seemed to do the trick.
- He is sleeping an average of 7-8 hours for one stretch at night and
even slept 9 and a half hours straight one night. We are loving this! He is our little awesome sleeper.
- He is still long and lean but is getting some little rolls on his
thighs and his cheeks are getting chubbier, which we are just loving.
The pediatrician told us he will be at least 6 feet tall based on his
height now. So we will have one tall boy on our hands!
- He is getting really good at holding his head up on his own.
- His grasp is getting stronger and he loves grabbing onto things, especially mom's hair.
- His favorite place: the changing table. He loves it!
- He has discovered his voice and will lay by himself and make the happiest sounds. I could sit there and listen to it all day.
Here are some pictures of Brody over the last month.
First family walk with the Baby Bjorn. |
Our silly boy wiggles his way sideways every night. So funny! |
Little baseball fan. |
Favorite picture of dad with Brody. |
His favorite way to take a nap (don't worry, he is still breathing!) |
Silly boy. |
This is Brody's favorite time of the day. He loves playing with his "friends." |
Tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. |
Not quite sure what to think of his new bath time friend... |
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, Laur! He is so crazy cute! It is so fun to see him changing and learning new things! Love it when they find their voice. So much fun!
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