The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life Lately

 Life has been really good lately. I am three weeks into my new job, and I feel like I have learned so much already. I definitely have a long ways to go and don't think I'll feel totally comfortable for a loooong time, but I am celebrating the small victories in the mean time. Starting IV's is proving to be the present challenge. As a student we did not get much practice with IV's, and I hear that getting good is just a matter of practice, but I HATE hurting people! Luckily I work with some awesome nurses who have been great teachers and have even let me practice on them! It's always such an adjustment starting a new job and trying to learn how everything is done, but I just count my blessings every day that I was able to finally find a job.

It's definitely taken Eric and I some getting used to having both of us working full time. No more warm home cooked meals waiting when Eric gets home from work, the dirty dishes tend to pile higher and higher as the week goes on, and I have been so tired every night and falling asleep by 9 most nights! We totally live for the weekends when we can just relax and spend time together. Eric has been so helpful- there's no way I could have been this big adjustment without him. He helps make dinner, does the dishes, helps with laundry... he has been so awesome. It's been a good experience for us to learn to work together doing domestic duties. :)

Eric's birthday was last week, and we had a really fun day! We started the day off with some breakfast in bed. Then Eric has a yearly tradition of going to a bookstore on his birthday to get himself a new book and walk around just sort of reflecting on the past year and the new year to come, so he started his day off with that. We met up for lunch and he got his haircut by his favorite barber, and then after work we went to Eric's favorite restaurant... The Wing Coop! Followed by a movie and some marble cake for dessert. It was an awesome day. It was so much fun just being together and celebrating in a low key sort of way.

I am so grateful for a husband who is so supportive, loving and kind. There is not a day that goes by that Eric doesn't ask me if there is anything he can do for me. He is such an amazing husband and I love him so much! Happy birthday, babe!

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