The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I have applied for dozens and dozens of jobs since I graduated from school two and a half months ago. Who would have ever guessed that nursing jobs would be so hard to come by?! As I have been searching, I must say that I have really enjoyed having some down time and not being in school for the first time in a long time. It's been a wonderful experience being able to dust off some of my old hobbies and even have time to explore some new ones.

But, I finally got a "bite" the other day from one of the managers I'd sent an application and resume to, and it is a job that I would absolutely love to have! My heart sort of skipped a beat when I opened the email and read all about the job and saw that I was being asked to come in for an interview! Ah, I was so excited! The day of the interview came, and Eric took me our to lunch at In-N-Out (sooo good, and what a great husband) in celebration and to help calm my nerves a little bit.

The interview went really, really well. I felt so calm and was able to think really clearly when asked all of the questions. The manager had originally said that he wanted me to come in for about 45 minutes, but we sat there talking for an hour and a half, which I figured was a good sign. My prayers were definitely answered that day because it all went so smoothly. The manager explained that he had received so many resumes in the first two days of posting the job that he had told HR to just stop sending them to him. And that was the hard part- he had at least 12 more interviews to do! 12! For one job! But he said he was going to narrow it down to a few within the week to those who he wanted to come back in for peer interviews.

At that point, even though the interview went so well, I didn't want to get my hopes up. I told myself that it was really good practice to go in for the interview either way... and that I wouldn't be discouraged if I wasn't one of the applicants to get called back because there were so many... and many of them probably had more experience than me (any experience is more experience than me!). Still, I couldn't help the rush of adrenaline I felt as I walked out to my car, thinking about the great interview and how much I would love having that job.

Well, I got an email from the manager yesterday, and....

I made the final cut! 

Now, it is definitely far from time to celebrate yet because there are still other applicants being called back in as well, but I am just so happy for the chance to go back in for a second interview. It's probably the competitive side coming out in me, being excited because I beat out other people to this second cut. :) Either way, I go back next week for a peer interview, and for now I am going to celebrate this small victory and enjoy feeling like this...
I'll keep you all updated! Hope you all have a fabulous day.


Heather said...

I am SOOO happy for you. If they are smart they will hire you on the spot! I hope you get it! You will definitely be in our prayers!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness! I should have asked you about this the other night! I am so sorry, but YAY! I am so so happy for you! That must mean you are totally and completely qualified for the job! You are awesome, Laur!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness lauren good luck!! you are fabulous!!! we need to get some girls together for a little reunion, i miss you!

Brynn and Jared said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! you'll do great!