The Prices Write

The Prices Write

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Study, study, study

I've finally cracked down and started studying for the NCLEX, the boards test that nurses have to take to become a real-life licensed RN. I am scheduled to take it on September 23rd, so I have two weeks to read and study and stuff my brain full of information! Luckily, Eric is studying, too, so we have been late-night study buddies at the library. He is studying to take the GMAT on Saturday, so send your positive vibes and prayers his way!


Unknown said...

i take it in a week and i feel so unprepared!! good luck studying!!

Christa said...

Oh you will be fabulous and pass with flying colors :) Good luck! And I hope Eric did well on the GMAT too. So fun to keep up with you two this way! When things slow down a little bit, let us know and we'll have you up for some good old family time together :)

pro said...

Nice blog!I like your writing way and your stories!I want to share a helpful resource which i like best. . I think it's useful for GMAT test takers.