I just took my final four tests of nursing school.
What a feeling.
It seems like just yesterday I was turning in my application to the nursing program at the University of Utah. I vividly remember feeling like I wouldn't get in because I had zero clinical experience, which was one of the "strong recommendations" to apply for the program. I remember deciding to give it a shot, telling myself that I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't get in. It seemed surreal when I got an acceptance letter a couple of months later and began school just a couple of months after that.
And what a whirlwind it has been ever since then. Nights of studying until the wee hours of the night/morning, procrastinating writing papers only to stress myself out WAY more than needed, waking up early to be to the hospital for clinicals when it was still dark... I remember thinking at times like that year and a half was never going to end, but hoping that it would before I gave up.
And now it has.
And it hasn't really sunk in yet.
I am so grateful for the incredible opportunity that I have had to go to nursing school. I learned so much about myself throughout the process and was able to push myself further than I ever thought I could.
Now, into the real world of finding jobs in an economy so tough that even nursing jobs are hard to come by. But I am feeling hopeful! And I have two and a half weeks to decompress a little on a trip, which will definitely be nice!
Thank you to all of my dear friends and family who have been so supportive throughout this experience. I truly could not have done it without you. Now my dear husband will get to see what it is like to be married to the non-nursing school stressed out woman I have become.
Here are some pictures from graduation!
Congrats Lauren! You are the hardest worker I know! I am so happy for you that you are done. Maybe we can hang out a bit more now? Eh? Eh? Loves.
Lauren! Congratulations on graduating! You are seriously the smartest person I know! I am so proud of you. You are always doing amazing things! Love ya girl! Party now that school is over :)
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