I've finally cracked down and started studying for the NCLEX, the boards test that nurses have to take to become a real-life licensed RN. I am scheduled to take it on September 23rd, so I have two weeks to read and study and stuff my brain full of information! Luckily, Eric is studying, too, so we have been late-night study buddies at the library. He is studying to take the GMAT on Saturday, so send your positive vibes and prayers his way!
i take it in a week and i feel so unprepared!! good luck studying!!
Oh you will be fabulous and pass with flying colors :) Good luck! And I hope Eric did well on the GMAT too. So fun to keep up with you two this way! When things slow down a little bit, let us know and we'll have you up for some good old family time together :)
Nice blog!I like your writing way and your stories!I want to share a helpful resource which i like best. gmatonlinetest.com . I think it's useful for GMAT test takers.
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